Wholly Owned Subsidiary Definition, Examples Beginner’s Guide

wholly owned subsidiary meaning

As a wholly-owned subsidiary company, the financial results of the same would be combined with the parent company in the annual report of the parent company on the balance sheet date. When a company’s almost all outstanding shares are owned by another company (parent), it can be said that it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of that company and the parent company controls it. For example, Walt Disney Entertainment holds 100 percent of Marvel Entertainment which produces movies.

Separate Legal Entity

Mr. A is the registered owner of 500 shares of JKL Ltd whose beneficial holder is M/s XYZ Ltd, a Partnership Firm. Mr. A transfers 500 shares to Mr. X whose beneficial interest shall lie with M/s BBC Ltd,. Again Mr. B is the registered owner of 1000 shares of JKL Ltd whose beneficial holder is M/s XYZ Ltd, a Partnership Firm. Because they’re legally separate entities, they retain their own liability — meaning the parent company usually isn’t liable for the subsidiary’s actions either.

Advantages & Disadvantages of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Registration

Like Berkshire Hathaway, Alphabet Inc. has many subsidiaries, the best known of which is Google. These separate business entities all perform unique operations intended to add value to Alphabet through diversification, revenue, earnings, and research and development (R&D). Public companies are required by the SEC to disclose significant subsidiaries. Berkshire Hathaway was originally a textile company but began to expand its horizons under the leadership of Warren Buffet.

wholly owned subsidiary meaning

GST Registration Rules under Goods & Services Tax Act: Brief View

  1. As a wholly-owned subsidiary company, the financial results of the same would be combined with the parent company in the annual report of the parent company on the balance sheet date.
  2. In case a transfer has not been registered in the books of a company, then the transferor shall be entitled to receive dividend if he is a registered holder as on the record date.
  3. But this subsidiary company may hold majority shares of a subsidiary company of its own.
  4. CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course.
  5. Learn the definition and discover real-life examples of a wholly-owned subsidiary in the finance industry.
  6. Before you follow in their footsteps, you must understand not only what a subsidiary company is but also how to manage one effectively.

Because the parent company owns all the shares of a wholly-owned subsidiary, there are no minority shareholders. The subsidiary operates with the permission of the parent company, which may or may not have direct input into the subsidiary’s operations and management. However, given their controlling interest, parent companies often have considerable influence over their subsidiaries.


A wholly-owned subsidiary, on the other hand, is fully owned by the parent. Sister companies are subsidiary companies that share a parent or holding company. Most sister companies operate independently and have no relationship wholly owned subsidiary meaning other than the owning corporation. The main benefit of subsidiary companies is that they are different legal entities from their parent company.

wholly owned subsidiary meaning

A wholly owned subsidiary is a company completely owned and controlled by another. At the same time, a joint venture is a business arrangement where two or more parties come together to form a new entity and share ownership, control, and risks. Subsidiaries can be both wholly-owned and not wholly-owned, With a regular subsidiary, the parent company’s ownership stake is more than 50%.

Is a subsidiary its own company?

A parent company can set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in a foreign market in a couple of different ways. The first and most obvious way is to acquire a controlling stake in an established company to sell its goods and services in the desired country. This involves creating a brand new subsidiary in another country from the ground up. This includes going through the regulatory process, building manufacturing facilities, and training employees in that market. As noted above, a subsidiary is a separate legal entity for tax, regulation, and liability purposes. Parent companies can benefit from owning subsidiaries because it can enable them to acquire and control companies that manufacture components needed for the production of their goods.

She has performed editing and fact-checking work for several leading finance publications, including The Motley Fool and Passport to Wall Street. Since a beneficial interest is created therefore, the declaration as prescribed u/s 89 of the Act shall be given by Mr. A and M/s XYZ Ltd and subsequently by JKL Ltd. 2- Beneficial owner shall file with COMPANY, a declaration in form MGT-5 within 30 days of entering his name in register of members or change therein as the case may be. 1- Registered owner shall file with COMPANY, a declaration in form MGT-4 within 30 days of entering his name in register of members or change therein as the case may be.

With a wholly-owned subsidiary, the parent company owns all of the common stock. As such, there are no minority shareholders, and its stock is not traded publicly. Despite this, it still remains an independent legal body—a corporation with its own organized framework and administration. Unlike a regular subsidiary, which has its own management team, the day-to-day operations of this structure are likely directed entirely by the parent company. The owning company, which is called the parent or holding company, usually owns more than 50% of its voting stock (it can be half plus one share more) of the subsidiary. Despite the stake in ownership, the subsidiary and parent companies remain separate legal entities for liability, tax, and regulatory reasons.

But this subsidiary company may hold majority shares of a subsidiary company of its own. The second subsidiary company can be described as a second-tier subsidiary of the overall parent corporation. It has its senior management to control the company’s business operations; however, all the strategic decisions at the group level have been taken by the parent company only. To be a subsidiary, a company has to be at least 50% owned by the parent or holding company. An indirect wholly-owned subsidiary is a subsidiary company wholly owned by another subsidiary company, which is, in turn, wholly owned by the parent company. In other words, it is a subsidiary company that is owned through multiple layers of subsidiary companies, with the ultimate ownership residing with the parent company.

Acquiring a wholly-owned subsidiary may force the parent company to pay a high price for the subsidiary’s assets, especially if other companies are bidding on the same business. Berkshire Hathaway’s acquisition of many diverse businesses follows Buffett’s oft-discussed strategy of buying undervalued assets and holding onto them. In return, acquired subsidiaries can often continue to operate independently while gaining access to broader financial resources. A parent company buys or establishes a subsidiary to obtain specific synergies, such as a more diversified product line or assets in the form of earnings, equipment, or property.

Similarly, General Electric owns various wholly-owned subsidiaries, each specializing in different aspects of its diversified business portfolio. Aggregating and consolidating a subsidiary’s financials can make the parent company’s accounting more complicated. There are many real-world examples that we can look at to show how subsidiaries and wholly-owned subsidiaries work. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A and BRK.B) is a multinational holding corporation. Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, the company has more than 60 subsidiaries, some of which are regular subsidiaries and others that are wholly owned.

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